Friday, March 12, 2010

This Train Takes Me Back to Hiroshima

Today's thoughts on memory and narrative have found a home on the Huffington Post.  You can read it here.

A sample:

"On September 11th, 2001, however, my keitai denwa (my little Japanese cellphone) rang, and a friend told me that a plane had just smashed into the World Trade Center. In the aftermath of those terrorist attacks, the survivors' stories changed radically. The shock of war, hostility, lives lost so tragically, opened them up. Their stories no longer began with the time (8:15 am), the blue sky, the faraway dot of the B-29 bomber. They told me about cremating their children, scraping maggots out of the raw swathes of skin on their spouses' bodies. How a child's lips came off on the spout of the water container when he tried to drink."


Anonymous said...

Aloha! Jim Rizzuto emailed me regarding your blog, and I like it so much, I have added it to my blogroll.

Jim bought 500 copies of my 1st memoir, Like a Joyful Bird, back in 2004. He sold a few copies and is now giving them away. LOL. I have self-published 3 memoirs and an anthology.

Ah, well, I hope your new book does better than mine! Good luck and best wishes to you.

reiko rizzuto said...

thanks for your good wishes. i only post every few days - keeps me from blathering on. hope you enjoy it and thanks for writing.

septembermom said...

Painfully vivid images that we need to remember. I can't imagine that kind of horror.